Finally Installed the Daylight Demon Eyes. Lots of pics, instructions after the jump!
DDE Install
Some people call them “Angel Eyes”, others call “Daylight Demon Eyes” (DDE)’s
but no matter what you call them, they sure are nice!
Update January 17, 2004
I’ve been looking for some colored filters to make the DDE’s light up yellow to match the fogs for almost a YEAR.
I couldn’t find anything that was what i wanted. One of the members at suggested a very high tech
solution! It is an extremely expensive and rare product which can be used to magically change the color of
almost ANYTHING!
The yellow marker works great! I didn’t think it would work at all.
I just used the yellow sharpie to color the ends of the fibers and put them back into the light box. TADA!
The other thing I had to do was do the “fog enable” mod that allows the fog lights to be on without the
headlights being on. Its a pretty simple process, I got the instructions here: tech guide on fog mod
That took me about half an hour to do, and voila! Look how mean it looks!

The yellow color matches almost perfectly in person.
May 27, 2003
I upgraded to the newest GEN V versions of the lightboxes and bulbs, and BOY,
they are basicly white now. MUCH brighter. The light boxes are huge though,
the one on the drivers side barely fits. Got all the stuff from
Umnitza, as always.
February 23, 2003
I’ve actually had the kit in my possesion for a couple months, but i haven’t had
time to put them in because of various events. So this weekend, i did! Its
probably the most complicated thing i’ve done yet. Lots of complicated
- Remove front grill
- Remove front bumper (a huge task in itself!)
- Remove each headlight.
there are a couple clips here that make this next to impossible!
- Completely Disassemble each headlight.
- Bake each headlight in the oven at ~200 degrees for ~15 minutes
this makes the glue holding the housing together loose enough to
pry the headlight apart
- take out the chrome “housing” piece.
- sand housing
- paint housing GGP to match my body color
- install DDE rings, route fiber through the housing
- reassemble headlights
- put headlights back in
damn those clips!
- put bumper back on. a word of advice: bring someone with you. this is
almost impossible to do by yourself!
- put front grill back in.
A couple things i still have to do:
- Run power to the DDE boxes
- Run a switch inside the cockpit
I think i’ll wait till this weekend to do that!
My hands are all torn up and scratched and pinched and bruised from this one. Nothing like prying apart 200 degree headlights with your hands!
The kit. What is in the box!
The Rings
ring, light box with fibers
Clips and such
All Lit up!
The Install
Bumper off
the polystyrene shell over the 5mph crash bar. Dad’d be proud!
Where the headlight used to be! and an OOPS! be careful taking out the lights! pull STRAIGHT out!
A disassembled headlight. and the housing painted
Before and After!
Lots of work going on in the garage! Look at that finished product!
All finished!
Heads, city’s, DDE’s, fogs, sides all on.
From far away, lights on, lights off
Closeups, with city lights on, city lights off
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